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About PEP

A Platform for Policy Entrepreneurs Shaping Tomorrow's Policies

Policy Entrepreneur's Platform (PEP) is a community of policy entrepreneurs.
At a time when society is facing complex policy issues that cannot be solved by bureaucrats and politicians alone, there is a growing need for open policy-making and governance innovation that transcends the boundaries between government, business, academia, and NGOs/NPOs. Policy entrepreneurs are the key players in the endeavor of bringing together the wisdom and power of society to tackle these challenges.

With PEP, we aim to create an environment where policy entrepreneurs can take the lead in realizing impactful policies, by providing a platform for research, collaboration, partnerships, training, and recognition.


  1. Present a vision of who policy entrepreneurs are.
  2. Expand the community and influence of policy entrepreneurs.

  3. Create a foundation for policy entrepreneurs to flourish and make a significant impact.


March 2019
Publication of "What is a Think Tank? - The Era of Policy Entrepreneurism”

Drawing on nearly eight years of experience at an independent think tank, Yoichi Funabashi, the Founder of the Asia Pacific Initiative, published  "What is a Think Tank? The Era of Policy Entrepreneurism" with Chuokoron-Shinsha on March 25, 2019.

May 2019
Launch of the “Project for Policy Entrepreneurship”

The “Project for Policy Entrepreneurship”, the predecessor to the Policy Entrepreneur's Platform, was launched with the aim of contributing to innovations in solutions and governance for challenges facing Japan's policymaking today, as well as supporting policy entrepreneurs in developing their careers. Through this project, we conducted various research and disseminated information related to this agenda.

September 2019
Holding of the "Symposium for Policy Entrepreneurship 2019"

The Symposium for Policy Entrepreneurship was co-hosted with the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo on September 9, 2019. The symposium featured discussions with experts from various fields on topics including policy entrepreneurship in the Reiwa era, the transformation of public careers, and the role of researchers and think tanks in international politics. The keynote speech was delivered by Mr. Shinjiro Koizumi, a member of the House of Representatives and then Chairman of the Labour and Welfare Division of the Liberal Democratic Party.

November 2019
Launch of PEP
The “Project for Policy Entrepreneurship'' evolved into the Policy Entrepreneur's Platform Project, and the Policy Entrepreneur's Platform (PEP) , a community of policy entrepreneurs, was launched.